Book Club Schedule for 2012

In case you are the type of person who likes to be organized,
here is the month-by-month schedule of books for 2012 for
our 3rd Tuesday night meetings.

January—Erik Larson                 The Devil in the White City—a two part
running account to the Worlds’ Fair in Chicago in 1893—thrilling and chilling!  and
a National Book Award winner.

February–Mary Lawson              Crow Lake—our club loved The Other Side of the
Bridge, and look forward to the author’s first novel.

March —-Henry Miller                Tropic of Cancer  —on the banned books list

April —Alan C. Bradley                The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie—-fun to read
mystery solved by clever young girl . . .

May —Alan Weisman                   The World Without Us ———what if?

June –Erich Maria Remarque     All Quiet on the Western Front—still a jewel

July –Philipp Meyer                      American Rust –I look forward to reading this book
about American society—dreams, disappointments

August — Vladimir Nabokov        Lolita —-hot summer reading

September –Azar Nafisi               Reading Lolita in Tehran—a book club favorite in US

October — Mary Shelley                Frankenstein—-at last, we’ll read it

November  – Charles Frazer         Cold Mountain –Civil War vet treks home to the woman he loves—sixty-one weeks on the best seller list.   National Book Award

December-  Tobias Wolff              Old School –quick read; prep school has literary contest

Just borrow them from the library, as we do, and read along with us.  This blog, “books and buttons” will be chatting each month about them as we go through the year.  Join us!


You already know me---I'm in your book club. I've been in your book club in Wisconsin, in New York, in Missouri, in Connecticut. Now I'm in your book club in Pennsylvania. I love books! (I also collect buttons!) I'm looking forward to having conversations about books with people just like you----who also love books and want to talk about them. Send me an email: booksandbooks (at) me about a book you are reading. (or buttons of interest)
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